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Workshops with Blue Turtles Swimming are fundamentally based on the principles of Design Thinking.

  • Design Thinking is a process for identifying and solving problems which brings about innovative and impactful solutions to any challenge. 

  • Design Thinking leads with curiosity by asking human-centered questions.

  • Design Thinking takes place in an environment where ideas can be generated free of judgment.

  • Design Thinking requires an open mindset - “Yes! And….”

  • Design Thinking is understanding that not all ideas have to be successful - the ideas that don’t work lead to the ones that will.

  • Design Thinking is both a cognitive process and a hands-on approach, using multi-modal tools to sustain creative flow.


Ted Talk by David Kelley, founder of the Stanford 's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (more commonly known as the and the design firm IDEO.


“There’s a way to do it better. Find it.“

Thomas Edison

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